So no one ever likes to talk about their own faults but I think that is what I am going to do for the next however long it takes for me to get down to the weight I desire. So I guess we should start this story from the beginning and to be honest I really do not remember when I started to pack on the pounds. I guess you could say that I probably started struggling with weight just after I turned 30. So I started to think back what started me on my road to weight gain and the only thing I could think of was I continued to eat and drink like I was still in my 20's but in all reality that is not what this is going to be about. I want to share some of what I have learned from hours of reading and trying to figure out how I can lose the weight without having to starve myself. Also I want to share some of the things that have worked for me and also what has not worked for me. Now we all know that we are all different so what works for me might not work for you but at least it might give you new ideas if you are trying to lose weight and have not been able to.
Like so many of us do I started looking for the magic pill or magic powder to get the weight off. You see them on TV all the time and they say "Take this and take that and you will lose weight." So lets go over a few that I have tried and in all reality did not work for me. The first one I tried was Alli and I thought the principals behind the product were good but it basically forces you to change your eating style and if you remember at the beginning I said I did not want to starve myself and I was willing to change my diet I just didn't want a pill to force me to. So next I tried Hydroxicut which in all reality I never noticed any results except maybe energy almost to the point of jitters. Well in all reality I did lose weight on it but it seemed like as soon as I stopped using Hydroxicut the weight came right back on. By the way I was exercising about 30 minutes a day so I had also realized that these magic pills were not miracle pills. So after two unsuccessful attempts at weight lose with the magic pill I said what the hell lets try this new thing out called Acai. In the first week I did not lose any weight but hell that is not out of the normal for magic pills but in the second week I dropped like four pounds. The next week I dropped another three I never had results like that and started to think that I must have found the magic pill. Well like everything else all good things must end and the weight lose stopped right after that but the one thing good is after I stopped the weight did not come back. It had me thinking, was that the fat that just didn't want to be here anymore or what.
Well I guess all in all the only thing that I figured out from this is there is no magic pill to help you lose weight. The only way to lose weight is the good old fashioned way of hard work. I hope that this will be able to help someone someplace somehow.