Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blazin Jalapeno

Can you believe that it has been over a year since our last post…what the hell is wrong with us?  Well I cannot speak for J but this damn economic crisis has affected my writing.  Right now you are asking yourself how could this affect someone’s writing?  Well when you are putting in as much time at the office as I have you just don’t feel like getting anyplace near a computer if you do not have to.  Well this is not about my problems, this is about the Doritos 1st Degree Burn Blazin Jalapeno.  First off just walking down the chip isle the bright yellow bag really catches the eye then as you get closer you notice the chip surrounded by fire and your first remark is good advertising and how hot can these really be?  Now for anyone that does not know me, I can handle hot or spicy foods and in all reality enjoy foods that make you say damn!  I also know that my wife and kids also enjoy hot and or spicy foods so thought that this would turn out to be a fun snack for all of us.

So the first one to open the bag was my oldest son who opened it while looking for a quick before dinner snack.  I had been outside BBQing and when he opened it and once I realized the bag had been opened I decided what the hell one quick chip could not destroy my appetite.  As soon as I started eating the chip I noticed the sharp burn of spice that had a very familiar taste of jalapeno.  Sometimes with other chips or snacks that claim to be hot it usually takes five pieces to start feeling the burn or even taste the spice but not this chip.  I had also noticed that after a few minutes the burn still continued and almost seemed as though it got hotter.  Within a few moments I needed a glass of water to wash down the rest of the spice and cool the burn.  I immediately went in to my sons room to see how well he did with the chips.  I started off my telling him that I just tried one and how did he like them and his response was, “They are pretty hot!”  I just laughed and told him I agreed.

After dinner we challenged my wife and youngest son to try these new amazingly hot chips and they accepted this challenge with great excitement.  As they proceeded to eat a handful of chips their response was the same…HOT!  Since our initial trial I have enjoyed these chips a few more times and noticed that this chip starts out hot and ends even hotter.  I would also recommend these chips to anyone that enjoys a spicy treat.  When I purchased this bag of Doritos they also had one called 2nd Degree Burn which had something to do with buffalo flavor as well as 3rd Degree Burn which had a habanero flavor, I am planning on trying both of these in the near future and will try to post about both of them soon.  Once again sorry for the long period of inactivity and hope to keep these posts coming.

John Mendoza

Posted via email from J and/or John dot com

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Workout Continues!

I could not believe the amount of comments I received from my last blog.  I was surprised by how many people showed support towards my goal of losing weight.  I also received a few questions and also some new things to try that people said worked for them.  Now like I said in the beginning of the whole workout blog I said I would let you know what works for me and what does not.  Well after my first post I received so many comments I started to think what is the best way for someone to lose weight?  The answer is the support of friends and family, you can also receive support from others that you do not even know but you need to work at getting this support. 

People just do not walk around screaming go to the gym, well unless you are me, to everyone they meet.  So you have to tell people that you are trying to get into shape or just that you are working out because people are very curious creatures and every time they see you they will ask, "Are you still going to the gym?"  So in one way kind of making you accountable for going or make you hide from all of those people that you told.  You also might want to find someone to workout with that you are going to meet on the days you workout.  When you know that someone has taken time out of their schedule to meet you it feels like you will let them down by not showing up.  One hard part of that is it is almost easier to find other things to do such as lets skip the gym today and have a drink.  It is rather funny how many excesses one can make up to skip the gym than go so one of you needs to be focused on the task at hand.  Also you will run into others, who you know, but did not realize that they were going to the gym to also workout with.

You can also be motivated from people that you do not already know and there are many places to get this support.  Such as many web sites dedicated to weight loss and getting healthy and many of these sites allow you to compete with other in training and can help you set goals for yourself and see how others are doing.  I highly recommend doing this as the first step towards weight loss and health.  I also found that using, and helps to broadcast when I am at the gym and lets my support groups know that I am going and also helps to make working out a competition.  You can watch shows such as The Biggest Loser or there are a few on the Discovery Channel that talks about loosing weight.  These shows are great because if you have no idea how to workout or how to use the machines they show people on them and give great ideas toward how to mix cadio with weight training.  These shows also give great ideas for healthier eating habits and snack ideas.

I will have another post hopefully sooner than this one took but when you workout two times a day like I have been going you find it almost impossible to write.  A few of the most asked questions that I have received were, "How much weight have you lost?" and "Why don't you include your progress in your blog?"  So at the end of every blog I will include my weight lose to date and also my progress.  Last month when I blogged last, I was somewhere around seven to nine pounds of weight lose but as of Friday, which was the last time I got on a scale, I had lost sixteen pounds.  I had a minor setback during the last month of a pulled calf muscle that I believe slowed my weight lose but I worked through the pain and continue to walk on a treadmill.  I  had just began to run on the treadmill when I pulled the muscle so about two more weeks till I begin running again.

Posted via email from jbmendoza's posterous

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weight Loss!

So no one ever likes to talk about their own faults but I think that is what I am going to do for the next however long it takes for me to get down to the weight I desire.  So I guess we should start this story from the beginning and to be honest I really do not remember when I started to pack on the pounds.  I guess you could say that I probably started struggling with weight just after I turned 30.  So I started to think back what started me on my road to weight gain and the only thing I could think of was I continued to eat and drink like I was still in my 20's but in all reality that is not what this is going to be about.  I want to share some of what I have learned from hours of reading and trying to figure out how I can lose the weight without having to starve myself.  Also I want to share some of the things that have worked for me and also what has not worked for me.  Now we all know that we are all different so what works for me might not work for you but at least it might give you new ideas if you are trying to lose weight and have not been able to.

Like so many of us do I started looking for the magic pill or magic powder to get the weight off.  You see them on TV all the time and they say "Take this and take that and you will lose weight."  So lets go over a few that I have tried and in all reality did not work for me.  The first one I tried was Alli and I thought the principals behind the product were good but it basically forces you to change your eating style and if you remember at the beginning I said I did not want to starve myself and I was willing to change my diet I just didn't want a pill to force me to.  So next I tried Hydroxicut which in all reality I never noticed any results except maybe energy almost to the point of jitters.  Well in all reality I did lose weight on it but it seemed like as soon as I stopped using Hydroxicut the weight came right back on.  By the way I was exercising about 30 minutes a day so I had also realized that these magic pills were not miracle pills.  So after two unsuccessful attempts at weight lose with the magic pill I said what the hell lets try this new thing out called Acai.  In the first week I did not lose any weight but hell that is not out of the normal for magic pills but in the second week I dropped like four pounds.  The next week I dropped another three I never had results like that and started to think that I must have found the magic pill.  Well like everything else all good things must end and the weight lose stopped right after that but the one thing good is after I stopped the weight did not come back.  It had me thinking, was that the fat that just didn't want to be here anymore or what.

Well I guess all in all the only thing that I figured out from this is there is no magic pill to help you lose weight.  The only way to lose weight is the good old fashioned way of hard work.  I hope that this will be able to help someone someplace somehow.

Posted via email from jbmendoza's posterous